Hello my friends!
Aujourd'hui, je viens donc vous montrer ma réalisation pour "Critter Sketch Challenge Blog"!
Nous sommes parrainnés par "Stamp and Create".
We are being sponsored by "Stamp and Create".
Voici le sketch:
We are being sponsored by "Stamp and Create".
Voici le sketch:
This is the sketch:
Voici ma carte:
This is my card:
Pour cette carte, j'ai choisi de réaliser une carte monochromatique blanche. J'ai donc utilisé du papier cardstock blanc lisse uniquement. Tous les papiers sont cousus à la machine à coudre et usés avec la lame d'une paire de ciseaux.
For this card, I chose to realize a white monochromatic card. I thus used some paper white smooth cardstock only. All the papers are sewn to the sewing machine and used with the blade of a pair of scissors.
Malheureusement, on le voit très peu sur la photo, mais le contour du papier de fond est embossé à chaud avec un tampon "Denim Tampons" et de la poudre à embosser blanche.
Unfortunately, we see it little on the photo, but the outline of the thorough paper is embossed under heat with a stamp" Denim Stamps" and some powder to emboss white.
Les deux rectangles suivants sont quant à eux, embossés à froid avec la cuttlebug et un pochoir "Provocraft" "Noël". Les bords sont recouverts de Glitter Stickels Diamond.
Following both rectangles are as for them, embossed under cold conditions with the cuttlebug and a file " Provocraft " "Christmas". Edges are covered with Glitter Stickels Diamond.
Enfin, le troisième rectangle de papier est embossé à froid également, mais avec un pochoir "Provocraft", "Pois".
Finally, the third rectangle of paper is also embossed under cold conditions, but with a file " Provocraft ", "Peas".
L'image est un digistamp "Wags'n Whiskers".
Voici ma carte:
This is my card:
Pour cette carte, j'ai choisi de réaliser une carte monochromatique blanche. J'ai donc utilisé du papier cardstock blanc lisse uniquement. Tous les papiers sont cousus à la machine à coudre et usés avec la lame d'une paire de ciseaux.
For this card, I chose to realize a white monochromatic card. I thus used some paper white smooth cardstock only. All the papers are sewn to the sewing machine and used with the blade of a pair of scissors.
Malheureusement, on le voit très peu sur la photo, mais le contour du papier de fond est embossé à chaud avec un tampon "Denim Tampons" et de la poudre à embosser blanche.
Unfortunately, we see it little on the photo, but the outline of the thorough paper is embossed under heat with a stamp" Denim Stamps" and some powder to emboss white.
Les deux rectangles suivants sont quant à eux, embossés à froid avec la cuttlebug et un pochoir "Provocraft" "Noël". Les bords sont recouverts de Glitter Stickels Diamond.
Following both rectangles are as for them, embossed under cold conditions with the cuttlebug and a file " Provocraft " "Christmas". Edges are covered with Glitter Stickels Diamond.
Enfin, le troisième rectangle de papier est embossé à froid également, mais avec un pochoir "Provocraft", "Pois".
Finally, the third rectangle of paper is also embossed under cold conditions, but with a file " Provocraft ", "Peas".
L'image est un digistamp "Wags'n Whiskers".
The image is a digistamp "Wags'n Whiskers".
Je l'ai colorisée de la façon suivante:
- Encre "Distress Tattered Rose" pour le visage de la petite fille.
- Encre "Distress Broken China" pour le bleu.
- Encre "Distress Worm Lipstick" pour le rose.
- Encre "Distress Black Soot" pour les bottes.
- Encre "Distress Tea Dye" pour les cheveux.
- Encre "Distress Dried Marigold" pour la carotte du bonhomme de neige.
- Encre "Distress Walnut Stain" pour les branches.
- Neige structurée et paillettes pour la neige, le bord et les pompons des bonnets.
I colorized it in the following way:
- Ink "Distress Tattered Rose" for the face of the girl.
- Ink "Distress Broken China" for the blue.
- Ink "Distress Worm Lipstick" for the pink.
- Ink "Distress Black Soot" for boots.
- Ink "Distress Tea Dye" for hair.
- Ink "Distress Dried Marigold" for the carrot of the snowman.
- Ink "Distress Walnut Stain" for branches.
- Structured snow and glitter for the snow, the edge and the pompoms of hats.
- Encre "Distress Broken China" pour le bleu.
- Encre "Distress Worm Lipstick" pour le rose.
- Encre "Distress Black Soot" pour les bottes.
- Encre "Distress Tea Dye" pour les cheveux.
- Encre "Distress Dried Marigold" pour la carotte du bonhomme de neige.
- Encre "Distress Walnut Stain" pour les branches.
- Neige structurée et paillettes pour la neige, le bord et les pompons des bonnets.
I colorized it in the following way:
- Ink "Distress Tattered Rose" for the face of the girl.
- Ink "Distress Broken China" for the blue.
- Ink "Distress Worm Lipstick" for the pink.
- Ink "Distress Black Soot" for boots.
- Ink "Distress Tea Dye" for hair.
- Ink "Distress Dried Marigold" for the carrot of the snowman.
- Ink "Distress Walnut Stain" for branches.
- Structured snow and glitter for the snow, the edge and the pompoms of hats.
Cette image est collée sur un die-cut dont les bords sont recouverts de quelques touches de Glitter Stickels Diamond.
This image is stuck on a die-cut edges of which are covered with some Glitter Stickels Diamond's touches.
Un ruban de perles nacrées blanches fait également tout le tour de l'image.
A ribbon of white pearly pearls also makes all the tour of the image.
A chaque coin de ce die-cut, j'ai ajouté un strass en forme "oval pointu".
In every corner of this die-cut, I added a gem in shape " sharp oval ".
Une petite décoration contenant une fleur faite main avec la cuttlebug et un dies "My favorite thing", puis embossé avec un pochoir "Provocraft" "Pois", recouverte de quelques touches de Glitter Stickels Icicle et dont le centre est une perle nacrée (5 mm), 5 petites fleurs blanches en tissu, et deux branches faites également avec un pochoir "My favorite thing" et la cuttlebug.
A small decoration containing a hand-made flower with the cuttlebug and a dies " My favorite think ", then embossed with a file " Provocraft " "Peas", covered with some Glitter Stickels Icicle's touches and the center of which is a pearly pearl (5 mm), 5 small cloth white flowers, and two branches made also with a dies " My favorite think " and the cuttlebug.

Pour finir, sous l'image, j'ai croisé deux morceaux de ruban en satin blanc pour faire une croix et un petit noeud de ce même ruban part au bout de chacun de ces morceau. Au centre de ces noeuds, une demie-perle nacrée blanche (5 mm) est ajoutée.
To finish, under the image, I crossed two pieces of white satin ribbon to make a cross and a small bow of the same ribbon leaves at the end of each of these piece. In the center of these bows, half a white pearly pearl (5 mm) is added.
This image is stuck on a die-cut edges of which are covered with some Glitter Stickels Diamond's touches.
Un ruban de perles nacrées blanches fait également tout le tour de l'image.
A ribbon of white pearly pearls also makes all the tour of the image.
A chaque coin de ce die-cut, j'ai ajouté un strass en forme "oval pointu".
In every corner of this die-cut, I added a gem in shape " sharp oval ".
Une petite décoration contenant une fleur faite main avec la cuttlebug et un dies "My favorite thing", puis embossé avec un pochoir "Provocraft" "Pois", recouverte de quelques touches de Glitter Stickels Icicle et dont le centre est une perle nacrée (5 mm), 5 petites fleurs blanches en tissu, et deux branches faites également avec un pochoir "My favorite thing" et la cuttlebug.
A small decoration containing a hand-made flower with the cuttlebug and a dies " My favorite think ", then embossed with a file " Provocraft " "Peas", covered with some Glitter Stickels Icicle's touches and the center of which is a pearly pearl (5 mm), 5 small cloth white flowers, and two branches made also with a dies " My favorite think " and the cuttlebug.

Pour finir, sous l'image, j'ai croisé deux morceaux de ruban en satin blanc pour faire une croix et un petit noeud de ce même ruban part au bout de chacun de ces morceau. Au centre de ces noeuds, une demie-perle nacrée blanche (5 mm) est ajoutée.
To finish, under the image, I crossed two pieces of white satin ribbon to make a cross and a small bow of the same ribbon leaves at the end of each of these piece. In the center of these bows, half a white pearly pearl (5 mm) is added.
Maintenant, c'est à vous de jouer!
C'est ICI.
Je tente ma chance aux défis suivants:
I try my luck in the following challenges:
- Défi du site "Unique Crafters Challenge": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi 4 du site "Ladybug crafts": Noël ou hiver - Christmas or Winter.
- Défi du site "Crafty Calendar Challenge": Noël blanc - White Christmas.
- Défi 4 du site "Ladybug crafts": Noël ou hiver - Christmas or Winter.
- Défi du site "Crafty Calendar Challenge": Noël blanc - White Christmas.
- Défi du site "The Artistic Stamper creative": Home for Christmas.
- Défi 80 du site "Crafty Ann's Challenge blog": Noël blanc - White Christmas.
- Défi 23 du site "Stampin' for the weekend": Il negie - Let it snow.
- Défi du site "Sparkle and glitter the Rick St Dennis": Hiver blanc - White winter.
- Défi 61 du site "7 Kids College Fund": Fêtes - Inspired holidays.
- Défi du site "Sweet Stampin'": Matrices et poinçons - Dies and punches.
- Défi 166 du site "Crazy 4 Challenges": Favorite holiday stamps.
- Défi 166 du site "Just Us Girls": Technique challenge {embossing}.
- Défi 2 du site "Weekly Christmas Card": Die cuts.
- Défi 123 du site "Kenny K's Krafty Krew": Blanc et argent - White and silver.
- Défi 190 du site "Cupcakes Inspirations": Inspiration image.
- Défi 14 du site "Red Carpet Studio": Bonhomme de neige - Frosty the snowman.
- Défi du site "Blessing Ink.": Fleur main - Make your own flower.
- Défi 140 du site "Craft your Passion": Couture - Stitching.
- Défi 191 du site "Stamp with Fun": Glace - Ice.
- Défi 41 du site "Digi Darla's": Neige et paillettes - Snow Fun w/bling.
- Défi 66 du site "Paper Makeup Stamps": Paillettes - Sparkle.
- Défi 8 du site "'ABC' Challenge": Neige - Let it snow.
- Défi 98 du site "Party Time Tuesday's": Noël enfants - Kids challenge.
- Défi du site "Papertake Weekly Challenge": Blanche neige - Snow white.
- Défi 193 du site "Creative Inspirations": Noël aux couleurs contemporaines.
- Défi du site "ABC Christmas Challenge": Y for favorite Punch/Die.
J'espère que cette petite carte vous plait et je vous remercie pour vos passages ici.
Bon mercredi à tous!
I hope that this small card pleases you and I thank you for your passages here.
Good Wednesday to all!
- Défi 14 du site "Red Carpet Studio": Bonhomme de neige - Frosty the snowman.
- Défi du site "Blessing Ink.": Fleur main - Make your own flower.
- Défi 140 du site "Craft your Passion": Couture - Stitching.
- Défi 191 du site "Stamp with Fun": Glace - Ice.
- Défi 41 du site "Digi Darla's": Neige et paillettes - Snow Fun w/bling.
- Défi 66 du site "Paper Makeup Stamps": Paillettes - Sparkle.
- Défi 8 du site "'ABC' Challenge": Neige - Let it snow.
- Défi 98 du site "Party Time Tuesday's": Noël enfants - Kids challenge.
- Défi du site "Papertake Weekly Challenge": Blanche neige - Snow white.
- Défi 193 du site "Creative Inspirations": Noël aux couleurs contemporaines.
- Défi du site "ABC Christmas Challenge": Y for favorite Punch/Die.
J'espère que cette petite carte vous plait et je vous remercie pour vos passages ici.
Bon mercredi à tous!
I hope that this small card pleases you and I thank you for your passages here.
Good Wednesday to all!
Aww this is really sweet! what a cute image and your colouring is beautiful !! Love the white on white.. and the pearls and bows are so pretty!
RépondreSupprimerHope you have a lovely day!
Big hugs
Sue xx
A great festive creation! Thanks for joining in at PTW! xxx
RépondreSupprimeradorable card, lovely details and image along with pretty papers and image...thanks for sharing at cupcake inspirations
sweetie dt
Beautiful card, thank you for sharing it with us at Crafty Ann's
RépondreSupprimerAnn x
This is a beautiful white on white card with a lovely coloured image.
RépondreSupprimerThank you for sharing it with us at Crafty Ann's
tres jolie! your delicate coloring looks fabulous with all that white and the embellishments are beautiful. thanks for playing with us at Cupcake Inspirations.
RépondreSupprimerThis is such a lovely card.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful card, love your coloring...
RépondreSupprimerThanks for playing with us this week at Paper Makeover challenge :)
This is so pretty! I LOVE that sketch (I popped over to your challenge blog but there's no Mr. Linky?)!!!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much for joining us this week at Make it Monday! Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning! Good luck!
Rene ;D
Lol! I need more coffee! I meant thank you for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations this week!!!! However, MIM is an open challenge so you should pop over there too with your beautiful card!!!
RépondreSupprimerRene :D
Very sweet image and lots and lots of embellishments make such a lovely card. Thank you for joining us at the Sparkle and Glitter White Winter challenge!
RépondreSupprimerVery pretty card, love the white on white. Thank you for joining us at ABC Challenges. Hugs Xx Rosie
RépondreSupprimerVery pretty and soft looking. I really like this! Thanks for joining us at Digi Darla's!
RépondreSupprimerHi there, what a gorgeous card! Love the White on White look and the image is adorable as well.
RépondreSupprimerThanks for joining in with us this week at Sweet Stampin.
Thanks for joining us at Digi Darla Challenges and good luck!
RépondreSupprimervery adorable card, lovely and pretty
RépondreSupprimerthanks for joining our challenge this week
Sparkle and Glitter DT
What a sweetly colored card! I can feel the peacefulness of the snow all around! :) Wonderful card! Thanks for joining us at Digi Darla's this week.
What a beautiful card! The sparkle makes it so festive!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for joining us at Unique Crafters Challenge!
Hugs and sunshine,
Beautiful card. Lovely image and delicate colour scheme. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.
Stunning WoW card - its beautiful! :)
RépondreSupprimerThanks so much for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week,
sooooooo beautiful!! thank you for joining us at cupcake inspirations :)
RépondreSupprimerWhat a really awesome card, love the coloring job! Thanks for playing with us at Digi Darla's!
RépondreSupprimerSo nice! Love the white look of your project. Have a nice weekend.
RépondreSupprimerxoxo Clarissa
Adorable card :-)
RépondreSupprimerThanx for sharing at Kenny K`s Krafty Krew.
Hugs from Karin
Hiya, Oh WOW this is amazing, what a great creation as always. Thanks for playing on Sparkle and Glitter with Rick this fortnight, Love Hazelxo
RépondreSupprimerLovely frosty card!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for joining us @ CCC!
What a beautiful card! Love the white monochromatic theme! Your pale shading and splash of glitter are perfect touches! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations!
Beautiful card! Thank you for joining us at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge!
Simply beautiful, love all the white! Thank you for joining us at ABC Challenges this week!
RépondreSupprimeroh wow quelle superbe carte! J'adore tous les détails que tu as ajouté et c'est absolument magnifique tout en blanc!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for joining us as Digi Darla’s Challenge this week. Hope to see you again next week. DT Crafting Vicky
Sweet image!!! Gorgeous card! Love a white card!! Thanks for joining us at CYP for our stitching challenge! HUgsxx
RépondreSupprimerLove the all white look of this card and your handmade flowers! Thanks for playing along this week with my Amusing Challenges - your homemade flower is great!
RépondreSupprimerA very wonderful card - love it! Thanks for joining Stamp with Fun.
RépondreSupprimerBig hug
Love your soft coloring, very beautiful card. Thanks for playing with us at Sparkle and Glitter with Rick St. Dennis this fortnight.
RépondreSupprimerHugs Nataliya
Beautiful card, lovely detail. Thank you for sharing with us at Crafty Ann's.
RépondreSupprimerJen x
Beautiful work my dear! Thanks so much for playing with us at Kenny K’s Krafty Krew *White and Silver* challenge !
RépondreSupprimerTammy, KKKK DT from Créations LaDiva :) xx
I have some candy on my blog, you are more than welcome to join and thank you if you already have ☺
very nice. Thank you for playing along at 7 Kids College Fund. Rhea