
dimanche 9 décembre 2012

Happy Holidays... IDIC Challenge...

Coucou tout le monde!

Hello my friends! 

Un nouveau défi commence chez "Robyn's Fetish Challenge"!

A new challenge begins to " Robyn's Fetish Challenge "!

Le thème de ce défi est "Carte de Noël".

The theme of this challenge is "Christmas Card".

Notre sponsor pour ce défi est: 

Our sponsor for this challenge is:

(Cliquer sur l'image pour accéder directement à leur boutique)

( Click the image to reach directly their shop)

Voici ma réalisation:

This is my realization: 

Voici une carte chevalet!

This is a Easel Card!

Pour la réalisation de cette carte, j'ai utilisé du Bazzil Cardstock blanc, un papier imprimé "Fancy Pants", collection "About a Girl" et un papier "Creative Imaginations", collection "Creative Cafe".

For the realization of this card, I used of white Bazzil Cardstock, a printed paper "Fancy Pants", collection " About A Girl " and a paper " Creative Imaginations ", collection " Creative Cafe ".

Tous les papiers sont usés au cutter puis cousus à la machine à coudre.

All the papers are used in the cutter then sewn to the sewing machine.

J'ai réalisé une grande rosace (rosette) (15 cm de diamètre) pour la partie principale que j'ai réalisée entièrement avant de la coller à la base.

I realized a big rosette (15 cms in diameter) for the main part which I realized completely before sticking it on the base.

Pour la réaliser, il faut deux bandes de papier imprimé de 30,5 cm x 7,5 cm (12' x 3'). Réaliser la bordure avec une perforatrice bordure et plier à chaque bout et au centre de chaque motif réalisé. Personnellement, j'ai utilisé une perforatrice "Martha Stewart", "Lace".

To realize it, are needed two strips of paper printed by 30,5 cms x 7,5 cms (12 ' x 3 '). Realize the border with a puncher border and bend in every end and in the center of every realized motive. Personally, I used a puncher "Martha Stewart", "Lace".

Une fois le pliage terminé, il suffit de coller ces deux bandes ensemble bout à bout et de réaliser une rosette de la façon habituelle.

Once the folding was ended, it is enough to stick these two strips together end to end and to realize a bow in a usual way.

Ensuite, j'ai découpé un cercle dans l'autre papier imprimé que j'ai découpé aux ciseaux cranteurs. Tout autour, j'ai collé de la dentelle de Calais coupée en deux dans sa longueur grâce à un pistolet à colle chaude, tout en la fronçant au fur et à mesure du collage.

Then, I cut a circle from the other printed paper than I cut in cranteurs scissors. Any goshawk, I stuck of the lace of Calais got away in two in its length thanks to a pistol from warm glue, while frowning it according to the collage. 

Ensuite, j'ai collé sur la rosette, au centre. Il ne me restait plus qu'à ajouter mon image colorée, coupée en cercle un peu plus petit et cousue à la machine à coudre également.

Then, I stuck on the bow, in the center. I did not have more than to add my image colored, cut in a little smaller circle and sewn to the sewing machine also.

L'image que j'ai utilisée est une image "The Digi Garden", "Emily's Winter Outfit 1", que vous pouvez trouver ICI.

The image which I used is an image "The Digi Garden", " Of Emily Winter Outfit 1 ", which you can find HERE.

Je l'ai colorisée avec:

- Encre "Distress Tattered Rose" pour le visage et la partie des jambes.
- Encre "Distress Worm Lipstick" pour les joues.
- Encre "Distress Broken China" pour le bonnet, la veste et le haut des bottes.
- Encre "Distress Tea Dye" pur les cheveux.
- Encre "Distress Black Soot" pour les bottes.

- Pâte "Modeling Paste 3-D" pour les pompons du bonnet, le bord du manteau et les "moufles" (je ne sais plus le nom exact). Avant séchage, j'ai parsemé de paillettes holographiques.

- Les encres Distress sont mélangées avec de la Crème "Creative Inspirations" pour donner un effet irisé.

I colorized it with:

- Ink "Distress Tattered Rose" for the face and the part of legs. 
- Ink "Distress Worm Lipstick" for cheeks. 
- Ink "Distress Broken China" for the hat, the jacket and the top of boots. 
- Ink "Distress Tea Dye" for hair.
- Ink "Distress Black Soot" for boots. 

- Dough " 3D Modeling Paste " for the pompoms of the hat, the edge of the coat and the "mittens" (I do not know any more the exact name). Before drying, I strewed with holographic glitter. 

- Ink Distress is mixed with some Cream " Creative Inspirations " to give an iridescent effect. 

Autour de l'image, j'ai ajouté des petits points de "Liquid Pearl", "White Opal" pour donner une impression de neige qui tombe.

Around the image, I added petit points of "Liquid Pearl", "White Opal" to give an impression of snow which falls.

Tout le contour du cercle est décoré de "Glitter Stickels Icicle".

All the outline of the circle is decorated with "Glitter Stickels Icicle".

Pour la décoration, en bas à gauche de l'image, j'ai ajouté un petit groupe de décorations comme suit: 

- Deux Swirls réalisés avec la Cuttlebug et une matrice "Marianne Design".
- Une grosse rose blanche (3 cm).
- Deux petites roses bleues (10 mm).
- Deux fleurs blanches en tissu et plastique irisé.
- Des petites feuilles "Houx" réalisées avec une mini perforatrice.

For the decoration, lower left of the image, I added a small group of decorations as follows: 

- Two Swirls realized with Cuttlebug and a matrix "Marianne Design".
- A big white rose (3 cms).
- Two small blue roses (10 mm).
- Two cloth white flowers and iridescent plastic.
- Small leaves "Holly" realized with a mini puncher. 

En haut de l'image, j'ai collé un noeud réalisé avec du ruban organza blanc à pois blancs et une petite rose blanche (8 mm) ornée de deux feuilles "Houx". Juste à droite, on trouve un flocon en bois (Embelliscrap) que j'ai recouvert d'encre "Versamagic" blanche puis de paillettes blanches. Au centre, j'ai ajouté un strass de 5 mm.

At the top of the image, I stuck a bow realized with the ribbon white polka-dot white organza and a small white rose (8 mm) decorated with two leaves "Holly". Just to the right, we find a wooden Snowflake ( Embelliscrap) which I covered with ink white "Versamagic" then with white glitter. In the center, I added a 5 mm gem.

La base de la carte est réalisée avec les mêmes papiers imprimés également cousus à la machine à coudre. Le rectangle du centre est collé avec de la mousse 3-D pour donner du volume et son contour est recouvert de "Glitter Stickels Icicle".

The base of the card is realized with the same printed papers also sewn to the sewing machine. The rectangle of the center is stuck with the 3D foam to give of the volume and its outline is covered with "Glitter Stickels Icicle". 

Au centre de ce rectangle, j'ai ajouté un morceau de la même dentelle de Calais utilisée pour la rosette afin de bien garder l'homogénéité de la carte. Dessus, j'ai ajouté un morceau de ruban en satin blanc et un morceau de rubans de perles nacrées blanches pour l'effet "Shabby" que j'aime tant. Pour finir, un noeud fait avec du ruban en satin blanc un peu plus large est collé au centre et orné d'une demie-perle nacrée blanche également.

In the center of this rectangle, I added a piece of the same lace of Calais used for the bow to keep well the homogeneity of the card. Above, I added a piece of white satin ribbon and a piece of ribbons of white pearly pearls for the effect " Shabby " which I like so much. To finish, a bow made with the a little wider white satin ribbon is stuck on the center and decorated with half a white pearly pearl also. 

Pour finir, deux fleurs, une grosse rose blanche (3 cm) et une petite rose bleue (10 mm), toutes les deux ornées de petites feuilles "Houx" également, un autre flocon en bois recouvert de "Versamagic" blanche et de paillettes blanches, et le sentiment réalisé avec le logiciel "Word" et la police d'écriture gratuite "Chopin" termine la décoration.

To finish, two flowers, a big white rose (3 cms) and a small blue rose (10 mm), both decorated of small leaves "Holly" also, another wooden flake covered with white "Versamagic" and with white glitter, and the feeling realized with the software "Word" and the police of free writing " Chopin " ends the decoration. 

Les fleurs, le bord de la rosette et le bord du sentiment sont recouvert de touches de "Glitter Stickels Silver".

Flowers, edge of the bow and the edge of the feeling are covered with touches of "Glitter Stickels Silver".

Et voilà! maintenant, c'est à votre tour de participer à notre défi! 

C'est par ICI.

And here is! Now, it's your turn to participate in our challenge!

It's HERE.

Je tente ma chance au défi suivant:

I try my luck in the following challenge:

- Défi du site "Duymelot Design Team": Inspiration image - Inspiration Image

- Défi 37 du site "A and Emerald Faeries": Carte chevalet - Easel Card.
- Défi du site "Guylou's Inimitability Blog": Carte de Noël - Christmas Card.
- Défi 6 du site "Avadares": Utiliser un digi - Anything with a digi.
- Défi du site "Natalie and Amy": Hiver - Winter.
- Défi 5 du site "No Matter Which Challenge": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi du site "The Ribbon Girl": Noël - Ho ho ho.
- Défi 139 du site "Craft your Passion": Neige - Snow.
- Défi du site "Stamp and": Noël brillant - Sparkly Noël.
- Défi 36 du site "{Pin}spirational Challenge": Inspiration Image - Inspiration Image.
- Défi 91 du site "Top Tip Tuesday": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi 80 du site "Shopping Our Stash Weekly Challenge": Hiver - Winter Holiday or snow/ Winter Theme.
- Défi 75 du site "Ribbon Carousel": Vacances - Holiday Spirit.
- Défi 40 du site "Deep Ocean Challenge": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi 54 du site "Whimsy Stamps Challenge": N'importe mais fête - Anything goes so long as it's Festive.
- Défi 64 du site "Divas by Design": Il neige - Let it snow.
- Défi du site "The Paper Shelter": 2 de quelque chose - Two of anything.
- Défi 144 du site "Whiff of Joy": Neige - Snow.
- Défi du site "Simon Says Stamp": Flocons - Snowflakes.
- Défi 184 du site "C.R.A.F.T.": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi 58 du site "The Perfect Sentiment": Il neige - Let it snow.
- Défi 35 du site "By LORIdesigns": Hiver - Winter.
- Défi du site "AUD Sentiments Challenge Blog": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 57 du site "Word Art Wednesday": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi du site "Delightful Challenges": N'importe Noël - All about Christmas.
- Défi du site "Pixie Dust Studio Pixie": Paillettes et flocons - Sparkle and snowflakes.
- Défi 139 du site "Meljens Design Team and Challenges blog": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 154 du site "Sassy Studio Designs": Fête - Celebration.
- Défi 52 du site "Card Crafter's Circle": Célébrations de décembre - December Celebrations.
- Défi 73 du site "Stemper-Magie": N'importe - Anything goes.
-  Défi 49 du site "Pause Dream Enjoy": Bleu et blanc - Blue and white.
- Défi 83 du site "Sweet'n Sassy Challenge": Noël - Christmas.
- Défi 162 du site "Crafty Catz": Carte en forme - Shaped Card.
- Défi 14 du site "Delicious Doodle": Noël avec du bleu - Anything Christmas with blue.
- Défi 123 du site "Raise The Bar": Bleus et blancs - Blue and whites.
- Défi 19 du site "Brown Sugar Challenge": Couture - You have Me in Stitches.
- Défi 8 du site "Challenges 4 Everybody": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 121 du site "2 Sisters Blog Challenge": Flocons de neige - Snowflakes.
- Défi du site "Card Makin Mamas": Or et/ou argent - Gold and/or Silver.
- Défi 161 du site "Totally Gorjuss": Neige - Oh no Snow!
- Défi 200 du site "My Time To Craft": Noël non traditionnel - None Traditional Christmas Colours.
- Défi du site "Cath the Bug Blog": Inspiration image - Inspiration Image.
- Défi 1 du site "Sweet Stampin' Christmas": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 45 du site "Addicted-to-Stamps": Bingo - Bingo (Favorite colors - Lace and ribbon - Snowflakes).
- Défi du site "Joanna Sheen Chalenge": Noël - With love at Christmas.
- Défi du site "One Stitch At A Time": Plus d'un pli - More than one fold.
- Défi 28 du site "Chocolate, Coffee & Card": Recette - Recipe (3 flowers, 2 Design Papers, 1 ribbon).

Je vous souhaite bonne chance ainsi qu'un excellent samedi ! 

A très vite pour une nouvelle réalisation! et un grand merci à tous mes abonnés! 

I wish good luck to you as well as an excellent Saturday ! 

In very fast for a new realization! And one thank you to all my subscribers and my followers !



53 commentaires:

  1. Gorgeous, as always! This is an incredibly beautiful card! Love the colors and everything about it. It must have taken you hours to create and the love you put into making this is very visible to anybody who looks at it. Fantastic card!
    Thank you!

  2. Magnifique cette carte dans ces tons-là! Bises. Nadine

  3. Stunning Valerie !!

    hugs Diane xx (teamie)

    1. Wonderful creation, thanks for playing us at Stempel-Magie.

      xoxo Andrea

  4. Fabulous design and colour combo. Thanks for joining NMW Challenges this month, good luck. Hugz Suzanne

  5. Wow stunning card! Thanks for joining us at The Paper Shelter Challenge.

  6. Super sweet and beautifully designed.
    Thanks for sharing it with us at Avadares Challenge Blog.
    Blessing hugs,

  7. This is magnificent, Valou! Love all the frills and lace. I'm so glad you're sharing with us in our "Use a Digi" challenge at Avadares this month. Hope to see you again in our next challenge.
    NanaConnie DT

  8. This is just so pretty and cute. Love it.

    Thanks for joining us over at the Joanna Sheen Challenge. Good luck.

  9. This is gorgeous! Love the rosette and there is so much detail on your card! Great job!
    Hugs xx Sandra

  10. What a darling digi image, and you have made it into SUCH a GORGEOUS work of art. I love the use of blue in Christmas cards, and this is lovely. Thanks so much for sharing this in our challenge at Word Art Wednesday. You are welcome to share up to 5 entries per week, and I would just LOVE to see more of your beautiful work. Please come back soon to share!
    Have a blessed week!!!
    Word Art Wednesday

  11. wonderful and so pretty, thanks for sharing with us at CRAFT x carol

  12. This is beautiful Valou, lovely design and beautifully finished.

  13. Gorgeous card beautiful colour's and love the image and design thankyou for joining us this week at CraftyCatz
    Hugs Dianne xx

  14. Beautiful easel card with all the lacy trims. The colours are a wonderful choice for winter and showcase this sweet image so well. Lovely embellishments, too. Thanks for joining our snow challenge at Craft Your Passion. I hope we see you again soon.

  15. Great colour combo. Love your layout. Thank you for joining us over at Crafty Catz. Hugs Nina

  16. Wow! Gorgeous card! love it! I love the lace, ribbon, and colors you used. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  17. Such a sweet and lovely card, thanx for joining us at NMWC and good luck, hugs, marion

  18. Stunning easel card, just love the rosette!

    Thank you for sharing with us at My Time To Craft & Delightful Challenges this week, along with Emerald Faeries & Natalie & Amy's, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  19. This is just the prettiest Christmas card I've ever seen! It's absolutely gorgeous and I love it! Thank you for joining us over at Joanna Sheen's Challenge Blog, hugs, Jayne x

  20. WOW - a wonderful creation!!! Thanks for joing us at STEMPEL-Magie, hoffentlich bis zur nächsten Challenge!!! hugs, ANDREA

  21. pretty card thanks for sharing with us at 2 sisters this week good luck with the challenge Tracy x

  22. So beautiful.Love the lacy layers and cool colours.Such a sweet image too.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion.Hope to see you again next week :D
    Lisa x

  23. How adorable! I love all the icy blues and your fabulous design. Beautiful flowers. Thank you for playing along with Sassy Studio Designs!

    xx Star (SSD DT)

  24. Oh WOw what a lovely easel card. I love your take on the theme! Thanks for sharing at One Stitch at a Time and good luck with the Challenge. Judy DT x

  25. What a pretty card. GREAT layout. I love the soft colors of this card and the image is so sweet. Thanks so much for participating in the Christmas at Sweet Stampin' challenge! Hugs, Gail

  26. I forgot to wear my other DT hat when I left my comment before. So glad that you shared with us in our Let It Snow challenge at Perfect Sentiment. Hope you'll be joining us again next challenge.
    NanaConnie PSC DT

  27. Great colours, lovely design, sweet image! Gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing this with us at Pinspirational Challenges!

    Mel xx

  28. Thanks for joining in the "holiday" challenge at Shopping our Stash this week! gorgeous easel the doily too!

  29. You always create amazing things for the Sweet 'n Sassy Digi Challenge, and your entry this week is no exception! I tend not to use too many embellishments because I like to keep my cards easy to mail, so I always admire your extravagant use of ribbons and flowers. Thanks for making SNSDC83 one of the many challenges you've chosen to join!

  30. Oh this is fabulous and love your image and gorgeous doily.

    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamps Challenge.



  31. I love the folded frame you have made to frame the image.
    Thanks for joining us at Natalie and Amy's Challenge this month x

  32. A really sweet looking card with fabby details. Thanks for playing with us over at the paper shelter this week.
    Love n hugs

  33. Beautiful project. Thanks for joining us at Aud Sentiments and good luck with the dt call

  34. Such a pretty delicate card, thank you for joining us at Christmas at Sweet Stampin'

    Pam x

  35. Ooh this is really gorgeous Valou! I love the lace, flowers and ruffles… and the soft blue and cream… so beautiful ! :-)
    Hope you have a lovely evening!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  36. So gorgeous and so sweet...thanks for joining us at Divas!
    Helen x

  37. Beautiful card, thanks for joining us at Duymelot, and good luck.

  38. Hi,
    wunderschön hast du da gewerkelt. klasse

    Danke für deine Teilnahme bei
    Stempel-Magie & Blog Hop und viel Glück.

    Marushy und das Team

  39. Stunning creation, thank you for the inspiration. Thanks for playing at Aud Sentiments and good luck with the DT call.

    Hugs Ali x

  40. Very pretty. Thanks for playing at PDE. :) Janis

  41. Gorgeous! Wow, such a stunning card and wonderful color combination. Thank you for joining us at OSAAT time this week, Best, CG

  42. Gorgeous!!! So lacy!!! Thanks for participating in the {PIN}spirational Challenge! Hope to see you again!!

  43. Wow! I love the frosty, lacy look you gave this card. It is stunning. Thanks so much for playing along in this week's Sweet 'n Sassy Digi Challenge. Merry Christmas!

  44. A fabulous the shape. Thank you for joining us at CC&CC this time. Debbie x

  45. Super card, Thanks for Playing along with us this time at Top Tip Tuesday Challenge, Samantha :0)

  46. I LOVE the pretty lace! Thanks so much for entering our Bugaboo challenge. I look forward to seeing your entry for our next challenge. Luv'n huggz
    Jen Leeflang

  47. What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL card! Gorgeous!
    Thanks so much for playin' along with us this week for the Catch The Bug Photo Inspiration Challenge with Bugaboo Stamps! We hope you join us again today for our NEW challenge.
    Hugs & Happy Days! ~Min
    Kaymin Kreations

  48. Gorgeous card, i love the colors. Thank you so much for playing with us at OSAAT.
    Hugs Nataliya

  49. Your card is gorgeous!!! Thank you for joining us at ATSC!!

    gr. arjette.

  50. Oh wow beautiful card, so sweet and pretty and a fab design.
    Thanks for joining us at Addicted To Stamps, hope you have a wonderful Christmas
    hugs Mandy xx

  51. Wow, this is a stunning piece of work, so much effort & so many details! Thanks for joining in with us at Christmas at Sweet Stampin' challenge & hope to see you throughout the year x
