
mercredi 21 novembre 2012

Ghest Designer pour "Digital Delights"!!!

 tout le monde! 

Hello my friends! 

Je reviens vers vous ce matin pour vous annoncer une grande nouvelle! 

I return towards you this morning to announce you a big piece of news!

J'ai l'honneur d'être invitée créative pour "Digital Delights" cette semaine! 

I have the honor to be invited creative for "Digital Delights" this week!

Je suis vraiment contente car j'adore leurs digistamps! Ils sont superbes! 

I'm really satisfied because I adore their digistamps! They are magnificent!

"Digital Delights", c'est une boutique en ligne de digistamps, mais aussi, un blog de défis. 

Boutique: ICI

Blog défis: ICI

"Digital Delights", it is an online shop of digistamps, but also, a blog of challenges.

Shop: HERE

Challenge Blog: HERE

Vous pouvez trouver l'article me concernant ICI.

You can find the article concerning me HERE.

Voici ma réalisation pour l'occasion.

Here is my realization for the occasion.

Une carte-boite Patin à glace pour offrir des petites gourmandises ou autres à Noël.

A card - box Ice Skating to offer small delicacies or the others to Christmas.

Pour cette boite, j'ai utilisé des papiers imprimés "Pink Paisley", collection "London Market" et "My Mind Eyes", collection "Lost and Found". 

For this box, I used printed papers "Pink Paisley", collection " London Market "and" My Mind Eyes ", collection " Lost and Found ".

Le papier de fond est cousu à la machine à coudre. Toutes les papiers sont usés puis encrés à l'encre Distress Tea Dye. 

The thorough paper is sewn to the sewing machine. All papers are used then inked in the ink Distress Tea Dye.

L'image est bien entendu un digistamp "Digital Delights", "Post Girl Pat" (ICI).

The image is naturally a digistamp " Digital Delights ", "Post Girl Pat " (HERE).

Je l'ai colorisé avec: 

- Encre Distress "Tattered Rose" pour le visage.
- Copic pour les vêtements, cheveux, chaussures, lames des patins.
- Peinture dimensionnelle pour le bord du bonnet et de la veste.

I colorized it with: 

- Ink Distress " Tattered Rose " for the face.
- Copeak for clothes, hair, shoes, blades of skates.
- Dimensional paint for the edge of the cap and the jacket. 

L'image est collée avec de la mousse 3-D sur du Bazzil Cardstock blanc pour donner du volume et l'impression qu'elle bouge. Tout autour de ce papier blanc, j'ai déposé du Glitter Stickels Silver. Autour de l'image, des points de "Liquid Pearl" blanc pour l'effet de neige qui tombe. 

The image is stuck with the 3D foam on white Bazzil Cardstock to give of the volume and the impression that it moves. Everything around this white paper, I gave evidence of the Glitter Stickels Silver. Around the image, the points of white "Liquid Pearl" for the effect of snow which falls. 

Une boite est collée entre les deux patins pour y mettre ce que l'on veut offrir. 

A box is stuck between both skates to put it what we want to offer.

Elle est réalisé avec du Cardstock crème et toutes les arêtes sont encrés à l'encre Distress Tea Dye. 

A box is stuck between both skates to put it what we want to offer.

Un laçage est réalisé pour relier les deux patins avec du ruban en satin rose de 5 mm. 

A lacing-up is realized to connect both skates with the pink satin ribbon of 5 mm.

Pour passer le ruban et effectuer le laçage, j'ai fait des trous avec la pince "Croc-a-Dile" et j'ai mis des oeillets argents (5 mm). Une fois le laçage effectué, j'ai ajouté des demies-perles nacrées blanches. 

To cross the ribbon and make the lacing-up, I made holes with the crowbar " Croc-a-Dile " and I put eyelets silvers (5 mm). Once the made lacing-up, I added white pearly demies-pearls. 

Les lames des patins sont également encrés à l'encre Distress Tea Dye. Sur le bord inférieur, j'ai collé du tissu feutre que j'ai récupéré de mon tapis servant à recouvrir les pieds de mon vrai sapin de Noël. A l'achat, c'était trop grand pour mon sapin, alors j'ai coupé à la bonne mesure et j'ai gardé le reste pour le scrap, loll. Ca sert! mdr   Dessus j'ai collé des paillettes argentées. 

The blades of skates are also inked in the ink Distress Tea Dye. On the lower edge, I stuck some fabric felt that I recovered of my carpet serving to cover the feet of my real Christmas tree. In the purchase, it was too big for my fir tree, then I got away from the good measure and I kept the rest for the scrap, loll. That serves! Lol Above I stuck silvery glitter. 

Sur le bord inférieur de la botte, j'ai ajouté du ruban de perles nacrées blanches. 

On the lower edge of the boot, I added of the ribbon of white pearly pearls.

Pour faire penser à des chaussettes qui sortent de la botte, j'ai ajouté des rectangles de papier ondulé blanc de la marque "Toga" que j'ai encré à l'encre Distress Tea Dye. 

To remind socks which go out of the boot, I added rectangles of waved paper white with the mark " Toga " that I inked in the ink Distress Tea Dye.

Ensuite, j'ai réalisé un gros noeud avec de la dentelle de Calais blanche. Au centre, une demie-perle nacrée blanche. Sous ce gros noeud, j'ai collé de la guirlande de Noël blanche et argentée toute fine. J'adore l'effet de fête. 

Then, I realized a big bow with the white lace of Calais. In the center, half a white pearly pearl. Under this big bow, I stuck of the white and silvered tinsel garland any liqueur brandy. I adore the festive effect.

En bas, à gauche de l'image, j'ai décoré d'un groupe de fleurs (fleur de cerisier rose, rose de 15 mm, deux petites fleurs artificielles blanches), de swirls réalisés avec la Cuttlebug et un dies "Marianne Design", d'une épingle nacrée blanche, et de petites feuilles réalisées avec une perforatrice. Les fleurs sont recouvertes de Glitter Stickels Icicle pour donner de la brillance à l'ensemble. 

Below, to the left of the image, I decorated with a group of flowers (flower of pink cherry tree, rose of 15 mm, two small white artificial flowers), of swirls realized with the Cuttlebug and a dies "Marianne Design", a white pearly pin, and small leaves realized with a puncher. Flowers are covered with Glitter Stickels Icicle to give of the shine to the set. 

Sous l'image, j'ai collé un petit napperon de pâtisserie de 9 cm de diamètre que j'ai encré à l'encre Distress Tea Dye. Dessus, une petite banderole avec un sentiment "Digital Delights" dont le contour est recouvert de Glitter Stickels Silver. 

Under the image, I stuck a small place mat of cake store 9 cms in diameter that I inked in the ink Distress Tea Dye. Above, a small banner with a feeling " Digital Delights " the outline of which is covered with Glitter Stickels Silver. 

J'ai également réalisé un noeud avec du ruban organza blanc que j'ai collé sous la bannière et dont j'ai entortillé les deux bouts. Au centre de ce noeud, j'ai ajouté une rose de 8 mm que j'ai recouverte de Glitter Stickels Icicle. 

I also realized a bow with the ribbon white organza which I stuck under the banner and both ends of which I wound. In the center of this bow, I added a rose of 8 mm which I covered with Glitter Stickels Icicle. 

Pour le reste de la décoration, j'ai ajouté ici et là, des petits Snowflakes réalisés avec une petite perforatrice dont j'ai décoré le centre avec des strass et les branches avec du Glitter Stickels Diamond. 

For the rest of the decoration, I added here and there, small Snowflakes realized with a small puncher with which I decorated the center with pastes and the branches with the Glitter Stickels Diamond. 

J'ai également ajouté une étoile en polystyrène blanche pailletée et dans le coin supérieur droit de l'image, un autre groupe de fleurs. 

I also added a white star in polystyrene spangled and in the corner upper right of the image, another group of flowers.

Voilà, vous savez tout ou presque en tous cas sur ma réalisation. 

Well, you know everything or almost in any case about my realization.

Je remercie encore "Digital Delights" pour leur invitation. 

I still thank "Digital Delights" for their invitation.

Vous pouvez tenter votre chance à leur nouveau défi qui commencera aujourd'hui. 

You can try your luck in their new challenge which will begin today.

Je tente ma chance aux défis suivants: 

I try my luck in the following challenges:

Cette réalisation entre également pour l'appel DT de "The Emerald Fairies"

- Défi "By the Cute And Girly": Twinkle twinkle little star.
- Défi du site "Whoopsi Daisy": Dies cuts et punches.
- Défi 68 du site "AUD Sentiments": Bingo (Ribbon, Bling, Snow).
- Défi du site "Lady Anne's Challenges": N'importe - Anything goes
- Défi du site "ABC Christmas Challenges": W for Wrapping (emballage).
- Défi 31 du site "Nutcrafters": Cadeau de Noël - A Christamas Present
- Défi du site "Moving along With The Time": Etoiles - Seeing Stars.
- Défi 8 du site "In The Pink": Dies et/ou punches - Punches and/or dies
- Défi 40 du site "Creatalicious": Hiver - Winter.
- Défi 38 du site "Sparkles Monthly Challenge": Noël - Christmas is coming.
- Défi 4 du site "Sparkle and Glitter the Rick St Dennis Challenge blog": Vancances - Twisted Holidays.
- Défi 14 du site "QKR Stampede": Monde hivernal - Winter Wonderland.
- Défi 197 du site "The Crafty Pad": Ca commence à ressembler à Noël - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
- Défi 129 du site "Sentimental Sundays": Get well wishes.
- Défi 99 du site "Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas": Quelque chose de vieux de plus de  six mois (guirlande, tapis de sapin, papiers imprimés,...) - Use something more then six months old.
- Défi du site "Craftwok Cards": Chaussures, sac à main, toutes les jolies choses girly - Shoes, handbags and all things Girly'n' Pretty.
- Défi 137 du site "Craft your Passion": Utiliser des restes (y en a plein, lol) - Use  your scraps.
- Défi 8 du site "Card Mania": Swirls et perles - Swirls and pearls.
- Défi 16 du site "Artistic Inspirations Challenge blog": N'importe - Anything goes. 
- Défi du site "Papertake weekly challenge": Perles et rubans - Ribbons and pearls.
- Défi du site "Scrap-Creations": Hiver - Winter
- Défi du site "Joanna Sheen": Froid et glacial - Cold and frosty.
- Défi 62 du site "Bearly Mines": Flocons de neige - Snowflakes.
- Défi 20 du site "Papelitos": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 45 du site "Through the Craftroom Door": N'importe - Anything goes.
- Défi 20 du site "The Paper Girls Challenge": Noël ou hiver - Christmas or Winter.
- Défi 146 du site "Kaboodle Doodles": Bouton et noeud - Buttons and bows.
- Défi 15 du site "Eureka Stamps": Enfants - For Kids
- Défi 39 du site "Deep Ocean Challenge Blog": Couleurs pastelles - Pastel colors.
- Défi 27 du site "Loves Rubberstamps": Ruban - Ribbons.
- Défi du site "MilkCoffee Challenge": Plus de 1 - More than 1 fold.
- Défi "My Mind Eyes": Grateful.
- Defi 86 du site "Inky Defi Impressions": Filles - Make it girly.
- Défi 62 du site "Divas by design": Utiliser au moins deux papiers imprimés - Use 2 or more Patterned Papers.

Je vous retrouve très vite avec une autre réalisation! En attendant, je vous souhaite à tous une excellente journée et vous remercie pour tous vos adorables commentaires. 

I find you very fast with another realization! In the meantime, I wish you all an excellent day and thank you for every your adorable comments.



50 commentaires:

  1. It must have taken ages for you to finish this! All those details and layers...Wow! Thanks for joining Craft Your Passion this week!

  2. Oh Wow! this is So beautiful… what a wonderful design… I love the colours and all the stunning embellishments!
    Thanks for joining us at MAWTT this week!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  3. Wow! what a wonderful creation - so gorgeous and so much work and creativity involved - thanks for joining in my CHNC challenge 99 - hope to see you again soon. x

  4. This is so stunning! Gorgeous details and design. Thank you for joining us at Inky Impressions.

  5. YUMMY, this is cute and a great box to boot! Or shall I say skate? Thank you for entering your creation at Eureka Stamps challenge for the kids.

  6. This is just gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with us at Eureka Stamps this week.

  7. This is an amazing project! So many stunning details! This is one of my favorite projects - ever!!! Thank you for sharing on QKR Stampede.

  8. Absolutely beautiful Valerie. Thanks for being our Guest Designer this week.
    Wendy (aka Louby Loo)

  9. Félicitations pour cette mise à l'honneur et ta carte! Bises. Nadine

  10. une superbe réalisation!
    merci de ta participation à BTC&G cette semaine

  11. Wow Stunning and beautiful thankyou for joining us this week at Bearly Mine Challenges
    Hugs Dianne xx

  12. Oh this is super, whata sweet creation, Thanks for playing on MAWTT this week, Hazelxo

  13. This is wonderful. I love the design and all your gorgeous detailing. The colours are so pretty too.

    Thank you for taking part in the Card Mania Challenge


  14. Hello, I'm back again to say thank you also for taking part in the Joanna Sheen Challenge.


  15. Wow I love the skate! What a great idea. Thanks for joining us at Going Grey with Scrap-Creations.

  16. What a fabulous creation - the skating boot is amazing. Love all the detail and the soft colours.

    Thank you for joining in the fun once again at ITP!
    Sylvia x

  17. Wow, this is so fabulous. Love the skater on the skate and the fabulous design and the details are so amazing. Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!

  18. Totally adorable. Thanks for playing along with us at Kaboodle Doodles this week.

  19. Stunning creation, just love it!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Sparkles this month, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  20. Im back again, Oops thanks also for Playing along on Rick St Dennis Sparkle and Glitter challenge, Your Creation is amazing, I love it, Hxx

  21. Wow this is so beautiful, Thank you for joining in the Kaboodle Doodles challenge

  22. WOW this is stunning well done .
    A Fabulous entry to our “Die Cuts and Punches ” Challenge ,and thank you for joining us at Whoopsi Daisy Challenge this week Good Luck Hugs Elaine

  23. Absolutely a stunning boot,,,,,you are really so talented,,,,woww,woww,,,i am finishing a new Little puppies sheet.....wwowww,wowww,woww..

  24. Adorable and gorgeous, fabulous design....Thanks for playing along at Divas by Design this week.
    Wendy xx

  25. Wowww gorgeous creation using such wonderful dies and a fab image... and I love the fairy dust my mouse pointer leaves when I hover it over the image!!

    Thanks for sharing with us at In The Pink..... hope to see you again soon!

    Christine x

  26. Phenomenal card! Absolutely stunning! Your attention to detail is amazing! Thanks for playing along with Sparkle and Glitter with Rick :)

  27. A stunning card box, love the colours and embellishments you have used, it must have taken ages to make. Thanks for sharing it with us at Whoopsi Daisy for our ‘Dies & Punches’ challenge. Hope to see you next week. Hugs Christine x

  28. Oh wow! What cute and beautiful ice skates shaped card in shabby chic theme! Thanks for joining us at Kaboodle Doodles’ “Buttons & Bows” Challenge!

    Kath - Admin
    Blog: Creo by Lady Katutz

  29. OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for playing with us at By The Cute & Girly’s Twinkle Twinkle Little Star challenge and good luck!

    Tammy, BTC&G DT from Créations LaDiva :) xx

    I have some candy on my blog, you are more than welcome to join ☺

  30. Beautiful... Thanks so much for joining us this week at QKR Stampede. joann sassy raggedy

  31. What a pretty card I love the soft colours, thanks for joining us at Inky Impressions this week, good luck!!

    hugs Vicky xxx

  32. What a beautiful creation.Wow.Thanks for joining in with us over at Nutcrafters.Good luck.Hugs Debbie x

  33. WOW, this is the masterpiece for creativity. I am truly glad for your entry at SentimentalSundays challenge this week.

  34. This is so pretty and so cute! Thanks for joining our 'Die Cuts and Puches' challenge at Whoopsi Daisy! Hope to see you back next week!
    Karen C

  35. Your card box is AMAZING! I love all of the details you have added. Truly fantastic!

    Thanks for joining us at Creatalcious winter challenge this month!


  36. Stunning and beautiful card!Thank you for taking part in the Card Mania Challenge!

  37. Love, love, love this card. Thanks for joining us this week at Sentimental Sundays. Good luck and hope to see you again soon!

  38. WOW WOW WOW! This is STUNNING! What a cute idea to use an ice skate shaped card! Your coloring and all those fabulous details are just amazing! You did a gorgeous job on this! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing creation with us at Loves Rubberstamps this week and for applying as our January Guest Designer :) We will be making our selections the week of December 24th :)

  39. gorgeous card, love the idea of a skate, it looks gorgeous
    thanks for joining the Sparkle and Glitter challenge this week

  40. I'm going to say just stunning! Thanks for joining us on the Kaboodle Doodles Challenge Blog!

  41. Its so gorgeous, what a lovely
    image coloured so beautifully!
    Thanks for playing with us at Bearly Mine Challenge!
    Nela xx

  42. Very pretty, love the shape and the sparkle. Thanks for joining the "Get Well" Challenge at Sentimental Sundays.

  43. Wowzers what a gorgeous creation!! thanks for sharing with us Loves Rubberstamps

  44. Simply beautiful! Thanks so much for joining us at Craft Your Passion!

  45. Love the unique skate for a card base! Love everything about it!! Thanks for sharing it with us at TTCRD!

  46. Simply Beautiful! Thanks for playing along with LRS

  47. This is absolutely beautiful. Love everything about this shape and soft pastels. The details with the flowers, lace and doily makes it magnificent. Thanks for playing at ABC Christmas Challenge and good luck. Hope to see you back wednesday for a new challenge. Bettina xx

  48. What a gorgeous creation ! Thank you for joining us at Card Mania Challenge !

  49. WOW, Totally gorgeous card. I love it all, especially the fabulous ice-skating boot.
    Thanks for joining us this week at Aud Sentiments, hopefully see you again on Thursday for our next Challenge.
    Hugs TC x

  50. Very pretty i like the shape. Thanks for playing at RSD Sparkle and Glitter challenge Blog.
    Hugs Nataliya
